5th OCTOBER 2020, WUHAN/LONDON: Beyond Laboratory Ltd (Beyond Lab), a UK-based life sciences consultancy, appeared alongside China National Pharmaceutical Group and other China state-owned enterprises, as well as many listed compani...
JUNE 24th, 2020, LONDON/SUZHOU – Beyondlaboratory UK Ltd (Beyond Lab) and the Investment Promotion Board of Suzhou Industrial Park Administrative Committee (SIPAC) have today formed a strategic alliance to enhance cooperation in the...
2020年6月24日 伦敦/苏州 近日,英国超越实验室有限公司(超越实验室)和苏州工业园区投资促进委员会在中国苏州签署了战略合作协议。 超越实验室是一家专业的英国医疗技术顾问公司。公司皆在为中国医疗产业和英国医疗科技公司搭建一座专业...
2018 国内资本寒冬,中美开启贸易战,英国为脱欧方案斗得一地鸡毛。 就海外投资而言,美国开始实行投资审核,CFIUS(美国外资投资委员会)严查中资在美国各个领域的直接投资,和2017年相比,全年中资在美的直接投资下降92%。同年11月欧盟也通过法律提案,准备...
新闻和数据来源:彭博社,金融时报,超越实验室,美富律师事务所和Torreya等 欧盟成员国和欧盟议会将于11月20号在布鲁塞尔讨论一项关于审评海外直接投资对于国家安全威胁的法律提案。 消息称这个提案是对美国外资投资委员会CFIUS规定的一种效仿,目的是针对高...
2018年8月29日,腾讯青藤大学第三期30名学员和10位高管与英国西雷丁议员Alok Sharma 先生在议会大厦Portcullis House 见面会谈。超越实验室CEO周露士受邀出席了会议。Alok Sharma 先生于2017 年6 月13 日至2018 年1 月8日担任...
Registration & costStandard rate: £500/person;Early Bird : £360/person by 30th June.Company Early Bird: £1000 for up to 3 delegates, by 30th June.It covers 3-day conference ticket, meals/drinks during the conference, but not accommodations.Regist...
Data from Beyond Lab suggest that Chinese Investors increased their invetsment activities in the UK, especially in the Life Sciences and Healthcare sectors.Despite the total outbound investments from China had a big decrease (more than 50% according...
Source: Pharmaceutical Merger and Acquisition CicleNote: Content may be edited for style and lengthWith the driving factors of aging population and income growth,in vitro diagnostic (IVD)industry has become one of the world’s most active...
Source: China Medical Science and Technology Network & China Food and Drug Administration (CFDA)Note: Content may be edited for style and length On 11th January, 2017, the CFDA issued the Notice on Issuing the Technical G...
JANUARY Bloomage BioTechnology Acquired a French Skincare Company RevitacareIn Jan 2017, Blooma...
中英科技合作再上新的台阶-工商联受邀出席珠海航展 英国中华工商联合会(CCBUK)作为被珠海政府正式邀请的...
2018年8月29日,腾讯青藤大学第三期30名学员和10位高管与英国西雷丁议员Alok Sharma 先生在议会大厦Po...
5th OCTOBER 2020, WUHAN/LONDON: Beyond Laboratory Ltd (Beyond Lab), a UK-based lif...
JUNE 24th, 2020, LONDON/SUZHOU – Beyondlaboratory UK Ltd (Beyond Lab) and the Inves...
2020年6月24日 伦敦/苏州 近日,英国超越实验室有限公司(超越实验室)和苏州工业...
2018 国内资本寒冬,中美开启贸易战,英国为脱欧方案斗得一地鸡毛。 就海外投资而言,美国开始实...
新闻和数据来源:彭博社,金融时报,超越实验室,美富律师事务所和Torreya等 欧盟成员国和欧盟议会将...
2018年8月29日,腾讯青藤大学第三期30名学员和10位高管与英国西雷丁议员Alok Sharma 先生在议会大厦Po...