Data from Beyond Lab suggest that Chinese Investors increased their invetsment activities in the UK, especially in the Life Sciences and Healthcare sectors.
Despite the total outbound investments from China had a big decrease (more than 50% according to Bloomberg) in 2017, compared to 2016 due to government’s currency control, the investment from China into the Healthcare sectors actually had a big increase in term of deal number (66.6%) and total investment amount (116.3%, see below).
More evidences and better understanding might be necessary to draw a clear conclusion that Brexit could attract more investment from China, but clearly UK enterprises in the life sciences and healthcare sector could benefit more and consider China as the alternative capital source when they reach out for fund raising.
Beyond Lab is now co-organising 3 major conferences in both UK and China in the second half of 2018 to create a much needed marketplace for companies in and the Life Science and Healthcare sectors between China and UK, please register in the link below or contact us directly, Dr Yang:
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